Florence at First Sight 

 Ah! Florence at first sight was not love. It was heat. I suppose we could say a “burning passion”?! Anyway, I had heard all of the stories about how hot Italy is in the summer, and I thought nothing could compare to the humidity of North Carolina summers that I endured the last 3 years. I was wrong. Not only am I outside all day long, but when I do seek refuge inside, there’s no air conditioning! And of course, this was my forecast on my first full day there: 


Now that we got the worst of it out of the way, I can tell you how much I really do love this city, as much as I think I can personally love a city. I’m naturally more of a country-loving girl and believe that nature is far more beautiful than anything man can create, but having said that, Florence did win over my heart! 

The sights are gorgeous and breath-taking and make you really wonder how these massive structures were built so long ago. We’re talking about a thousand years ago. Technology has come a long way in that time because it didn’t even exist back then. 

But I have to say my favorite building in  Florence is the Duomo. Typical, maybe. Beautiful, you better believe it. You always see the photos of the cupola and the tower of Giotto next to it, and yeah it looks awesome, but when you finally see it in person for the first time, you fall in love. 

I’m a sucker for churches cause I grew up as a member of a gorgeous Catholic Church in my hometown, and I always get a feeling of ease when I walk into one. I know God is always present, but I really do feel closer to him in His house, and with the Duomo, you almost feel His presence when you’re close by. 

So Jenn and I climbed the tower, and I climbed to the top of the cupola and went to English mass on Saturday night. Unfortunately we, the museum and baptistery are under constriction, so I couldn’t get to see the ever-famous ceiling of the baptistery. But I did see that of the duomo, and it’s artistic perfection that portrays Heaven and Hell. 


While churches are usually always my favorite parts of cities, the food is a close second. Those of you who know me or even just follow my blog know that I love me some good food. I usually try to be healthy, but there is no dieting in Italy. Plus I’ve been running 3 miles each morning and have been averaging 6.5 miles per day walking to total 10.5/day, so I’m not too worried about it. (Okay maybe a little, but gelato is healthier than American ice cream, and that makes me feel good enough to have some almost every day). 

So the food. Almost every meal is served with bread, some restaurants have better bread than others, so choose which ones you decide to fill up on. Cause the main dish is always delicious. Whether it be pasta, meat, fish, etc., it’s always good. 

Some of my favorite restaurants here so far are Trattoria 13 Gobbi and Trattoria Angiolino and Mercato Centrale (anyplace but especially Nerbone on the ground floor); favorite gelaterias are Gelateria Santa Trinita and Eduardo’s; favorite cappuccino is a place quite a ways away from the city center near my apartment whose name is escaping me right now; haven’t had pizza I loved in Florence; favorite croissants are from the secret bakery that sells to the cafes in the morning cause you get them fresh straight from the source; and favorite chocolate is at Venchi (two locations). 


Rigatoni from Trattori 13 Gobbi

In addition to food, I’ve loved just exploring famous sights and shopping with my sister! We had so much fun taking great photos, and I can’t wait to get them developed! 

Ponte Vecchio

View from our one hotel


City skyline from the Boboli Gardens


Boboli Gardens and Pitti Palace

Lastly, I will cover wine. I’ve had some of the best wine of my life in this city, and unfortunately I remember the exact brands and name of none. I did however find my new favorite type of wine: Brunello. Unluckily for me, it’s also one of the most expensive with

  • the cheapest bottle at the grocery stoee ringing in at over 22 euros. Maybe I’ll have a collection when I’m a dentist. A girl can dream! 

For now, enjoy some of these photos of my first look at this welcoming city! 


Broken wine glass? Nbd

Free rose and carousel ride!

Run up to Piazzale Michaelangelo for sunset


Jenn’s 30th birthday!


Met fellow North Carolinians and all tar heels!!


Autographed the UNC shirt at a the Lion’s Fountain


Me and my new Italian dress 🙂


MORE TO COME SOON!! Cinque Terre and solo traveling in Florence! 

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