About Me

A bit about me. Hmm, let’s see. I should probably introduce myself for starters. My name is Sabrina Saunders. I’m just a Yankee turned Southern Belle. Born and raised in Pottsville, PA (home of Yuengling beer for all you beer drinkers out there!), I now live and breathe in the Southern part of Heaven, otherwise known as Chapel Hill, NC. I’ve lived here for the past four years as an undergraduate student at the University of North Carolina and fell in love with the place since day one.

I graduated in the Class of 2014 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Kenan-Flagler at UNC, and I’m using this year to work full time at a dental clinic and will be starting UNC School of Dentistry in the Fall of 2015. I could not feel more blessed or be more thankful to God, my family, friends, and supporters. Yay for pulling teeth and making people smile!

Finally, to summarize it all, I started this blog to fill my post-graduation/newly-acquired free time that will no longer be consumed by homework and group projects. On here, I hope to post my favorite recipes (yes, I am the new Julia Child ), some artwork (no, I am not the new Pablo Picasso), workouts (I might be the new Serena Williams), and possibly book/restaurant/movie reviews (I only wish to be the new Rotten Tomatoes critic).

So sit back, buckle up, and prepare to take this exciting new journey with me!

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