Category Archives: Eclecticity

Cinque Terre


Cinque Terre is my favorite place on Earth. I mean, do you see my smile right there?! Cheesin’ cheek to cheek!! 

Like I said in my previous post, I love being outside in nature. I prefer to walk places versus drive and I realized I only like working out when it’s outside, even all of the sports I play(ed) occur in the outdoors (running, tennis, soccer, softball, etc.). And that’s probably one of the reasons I love CT– because you’re outside in nature the entire time. Even if you do go into the towns, they’re so small that they’re all centered around the beach and ports. So beautiful. 
Let me tell you more about what I did with my time there in just two short days. I arrived in Monterosso and met Jenn who had gotten there the day before me. I decided to stay in Florence one extra night because I had gotten an eye infection and didn’t want to disturb it with being at the beach and in the sun. When this happens, my eyes are super sensitive to light and being at the bright beach may not have been the best idea. Anyway, when I arrived, I was greeted by blue seas and adorable bright colored houses, just like the pictures. 

Monterosso is one of the bigger towns, if not the biggest (?), so it doesn’t look as quaint as the others, but it does have the best and the biggest beaches of the towns we were able to visit in my opinion. We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon at the beach there. We ventured near the cliffs and into a cave. We jumped off of the cliffs into the pristine, clear, Aqua blue water. The water was just the right temperature, and because of its extremely high salt content, seemed to have magical healing powers! 

My eyes hardly bothered me there, which was quite a pleasant surprise and the cut I got from a rock in the water was almost fully gone that same day from spending so much time in the water. We swam and we jumped and explored and floated. It was my favorite beach I ever been to in my life. I already know I want to honeymoon there. 😍

So upon leaving Monterosoo, we stumbled across the hiking trail to Vernazza. Many of the trails were closed due to landslides, but this one was indeed open, and only after  we got on the trail were we told that it was the mist difficult direction to hike. We were up for the challenge! 


So we hiked. And hiked. And hiked. Wonderful views, but so hot and so steep. I really felt like we were approaching Heaven. When we finally saw Vernazza, we were in awe! So pretty and colorful and full of life. We couldn’t wait to descend into this quaint little village. And so we did. We went down and down and down until we reached Vernazza and completed our hike! Then it was time for more swimming  🏊🏽

After Vernzza, we left for our Air BNB that was set on a mountain in what many refer to as the “reject village” of Cinque Terre, Portovenere. This was quite the adventure… We had to take a bus to get there then climb up the mountain to our refuge. 

We had trouble finding the bus station, took the bus the wrong direction, had to wait another 45 minutes for the last bus that takes you to Portovenere, got off too early at the wrong stop, then ended up taking the long way up the mountain by accident. I was getting so nervous that we wouldn’t find our refuge because it was getting dark that I told Jenn she had to stop taking photos. My demand didn’t stop her one bit haha. In the end, we made it and it was unbelievable. 

I am so happy we took the wrong trail because it was so scenic and we even passed an old stone castle on the way. A hike that should have taken 25 minutes a took closer to an hour. Now you understand my concern?! But I wouldn’t change one thing about it. 

Upon our arrival, we were offered a 4-course authentic Italian dinner. We couldn’t say no. We tried fresh anchioves in olive oil, sun dried tomatoes, some sort of bean, pasta, local fresh fish, and strawberries with sugar for dessert. We ate every last bite too! 😋

The next day, we explored Manarola and Riomaggiore. We didn’t have enough time to see Corniglia, but I’ll be sure to see it next time. We tried CT “fast food” which is an assortment of little fried fish- calamari, anchioves, sardines, etc. To our surprise, it was quite good, but nothing can compare to the focaccia pizza in those villages. Definitely both of our favorites. 

I hope you enjoyed reading about my travels through Cinque Terre. I apologize for any typos or grammatical errors. Italy is no place for proofreading! Until next time, 😘! 

Florence at First Sight 

 Ah! Florence at first sight was not love. It was heat. I suppose we could say a “burning passion”?! Anyway, I had heard all of the stories about how hot Italy is in the summer, and I thought nothing could compare to the humidity of North Carolina summers that I endured the last 3 years. I was wrong. Not only am I outside all day long, but when I do seek refuge inside, there’s no air conditioning! And of course, this was my forecast on my first full day there: 


Now that we got the worst of it out of the way, I can tell you how much I really do love this city, as much as I think I can personally love a city. I’m naturally more of a country-loving girl and believe that nature is far more beautiful than anything man can create, but having said that, Florence did win over my heart! 

The sights are gorgeous and breath-taking and make you really wonder how these massive structures were built so long ago. We’re talking about a thousand years ago. Technology has come a long way in that time because it didn’t even exist back then. 

But I have to say my favorite building in  Florence is the Duomo. Typical, maybe. Beautiful, you better believe it. You always see the photos of the cupola and the tower of Giotto next to it, and yeah it looks awesome, but when you finally see it in person for the first time, you fall in love. 

I’m a sucker for churches cause I grew up as a member of a gorgeous Catholic Church in my hometown, and I always get a feeling of ease when I walk into one. I know God is always present, but I really do feel closer to him in His house, and with the Duomo, you almost feel His presence when you’re close by. 

So Jenn and I climbed the tower, and I climbed to the top of the cupola and went to English mass on Saturday night. Unfortunately we, the museum and baptistery are under constriction, so I couldn’t get to see the ever-famous ceiling of the baptistery. But I did see that of the duomo, and it’s artistic perfection that portrays Heaven and Hell. 


While churches are usually always my favorite parts of cities, the food is a close second. Those of you who know me or even just follow my blog know that I love me some good food. I usually try to be healthy, but there is no dieting in Italy. Plus I’ve been running 3 miles each morning and have been averaging 6.5 miles per day walking to total 10.5/day, so I’m not too worried about it. (Okay maybe a little, but gelato is healthier than American ice cream, and that makes me feel good enough to have some almost every day). 

So the food. Almost every meal is served with bread, some restaurants have better bread than others, so choose which ones you decide to fill up on. Cause the main dish is always delicious. Whether it be pasta, meat, fish, etc., it’s always good. 

Some of my favorite restaurants here so far are Trattoria 13 Gobbi and Trattoria Angiolino and Mercato Centrale (anyplace but especially Nerbone on the ground floor); favorite gelaterias are Gelateria Santa Trinita and Eduardo’s; favorite cappuccino is a place quite a ways away from the city center near my apartment whose name is escaping me right now; haven’t had pizza I loved in Florence; favorite croissants are from the secret bakery that sells to the cafes in the morning cause you get them fresh straight from the source; and favorite chocolate is at Venchi (two locations). 


Rigatoni from Trattori 13 Gobbi

In addition to food, I’ve loved just exploring famous sights and shopping with my sister! We had so much fun taking great photos, and I can’t wait to get them developed! 

Ponte Vecchio

View from our one hotel


City skyline from the Boboli Gardens


Boboli Gardens and Pitti Palace

Lastly, I will cover wine. I’ve had some of the best wine of my life in this city, and unfortunately I remember the exact brands and name of none. I did however find my new favorite type of wine: Brunello. Unluckily for me, it’s also one of the most expensive with

  • the cheapest bottle at the grocery stoee ringing in at over 22 euros. Maybe I’ll have a collection when I’m a dentist. A girl can dream! 

For now, enjoy some of these photos of my first look at this welcoming city! 


Broken wine glass? Nbd

Free rose and carousel ride!

Run up to Piazzale Michaelangelo for sunset


Jenn’s 30th birthday!


Met fellow North Carolinians and all tar heels!!


Autographed the UNC shirt at a the Lion’s Fountain


Me and my new Italian dress 🙂


MORE TO COME SOON!! Cinque Terre and solo traveling in Florence! 

Il Palio: Siena, Italy

After 24 hours of traveling, I had arrived in Milan, Italy. Not until 8 hours later would I arrive in Florence. I’m not going to lie, I was quite disappointed when I first got here. I even cried because it wasn’t as glamorous as I had dreamed of- Milan that is. However, that could also be because I was absolutely exhausted, hungry, and irritable. And we didn’t venture into the fashion district of Milan either because we were too tired to lug our bags that dreaded mile into the city center from the train station. 

My first night in Florence was quite a disaster. My AirBnB was hot. When I say hot, I mean literally 87 degrees F with absolutely no ventilation. Jenn and I couldn’t sleep, not only because of the heat, but because it sounded like a UFO was landing on our building every 5 minutes with Vespasian driving by and a busy trattoria is located on the ground floor of the apartment. After not sleeping for 30 hours, we had proceeded to not sleep for another 6 hours that night before venturing to Siena that morning. 

We vowed to start the day off on a good note and buy the typical Italian breakfast (croissant and cappuccino) on our way to the train station. We ended up eating on a bench with a front row seat to the duomo. Just gorgeous.  


Upon arriving in Siena, we hike up what seems like a million steps to reach the walled hilltopped city. And we fall in love instantaneously. The winding streets decorated with colorful flags from each contrada fill our vision. We see churches and cafes and little shops with cute old men selling ceramics and other souvenirs. Venturing further into the city center, we begin to witness just how crowded Italy can get during the summer, especially Siena on one of two of the most anticipated days of the year. 


Some of our highlights from the day include:

  • Climbing the Torre di Mangia and taking in the beautiful view of the city and horse track
  • Drinking cappuccino from the renowned A. Nannini’s 
  • Ordering our first full bottle of wine for lunch
  • Trying wild boar on spaghetti 
  • Meeting a family from California and watching the race with them while consuming maybe too much wine and then sleeping on their apartment floor because we missed our train ride home
  • First gelato experience 
  • Watching the sunrise the next day on our way to the train station



En Route to Italy! 

Last night, I laid in bed oozing with excitement about the days of travel I had ahead of me: RDU>JFK>MXP>Florence! And while I was eager to wake up and leave my bed, I knew today would be filled with crowded airports and cramped plane seats, so I really didn’t think I would make a post about my journey. However, the friendship we made today warrants one. 

Jenn and I (being the outgoing people we are) struck up conversation with the man sitting in our row on our flight to NYC. Naturally, we ask where his final destination is and he tells us the Phillippines to see his girlfriend and he has a very special surprise. We were of course ecstatic and intrigued and continued conversation for the duration of the flight. Afterwards, he invites us to lunch and we chat until he lines up to go through security for his flight to China first then the Phillippines that is much longer than ours. 


Jon’s photo of an international terminal at JFK airport using tilt shift for added effect

This man’s name is Jon, and so we exchanged Instagram and Facebook accounts. We discover that he is also a semi-professional photographer. He took that beautiful picture of us with the American flag at the top of the post to mark our last hours in America before departing for Europe. He also gave me some amazing tips on how to use my camera in manual mode (something I’ve always feared), which will be very useful in Italy and for which I am very thankful! I can’t wait to take gorgeous photos of my gorgeous model (Jenn) and breath-taking pictures of our favorite sights in Italy. 

While talking to the man sitting next to us for an hour may seem like a normal encounter for me and Jenn, I realized that not many people have the courage to talk to complete strangers like we do. And I thought that was sad. A shame if you will. So with this post, I’d like to encourage you shy people out there to smile at strangers, make small talk with people you don’t know, and be open to beginning a new friendship with someone you just met. You can learn so much about another person and even some stuff for yourself. We all plan to see each other again back in Raleigh, but even if we don’t, it was worth the first smile to have lunch with Jon and exchange our stories and passions with each other. 

[Fast forward a few hours] I’m currently sitting in JFK airport in New York City waiting for my flight that was supposed to depart at 10:20 pm but is now delayed. Only 40 minutes for now. Let’s pray it stays that way. 🙏🏽 And while I sat here (without wifi for my computer mind you) I decided to create this post because I want my message to get across to my readers, which is: do not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone! The further you stretch it, the more it grows, and the more it grows, the more fun you will have. You can start small. I challenge you to start conversation with the person string beside you the next time you fly because you can make a new friend along the way, and that is totally worth it! 

“Groupie” with Jon at JFK

En Route to Italy! 

Last night, I laid in bed oozing with excitement about the days of travel I had ahead of me: RDU>JFK>MXP>Florence! And while I was eager to wake up and leave my bed, I knew today would be filled with crowded airports and cramped plane seats, so I really didn’t think I would make a post about my journey. However, the friendship we made today warrants one. 

Jenn and I (being the outgoing people we are) struck up conversation with the man sitting in our row on our flight to NYC. Naturally, we ask where his final destination is and he tells us the Phillippines to see his girlfriend and he has a very special surprise. We were of course ecstatic and intrigued and continued conversation for the duration of the flight. Afterwards, he invites us to lunch and we chat until he lines up to go through security for his flight to China first then the Phillippines that is much longer than ours. 


Jon’s photo of an international terminal at JFK airport using tilt shift for added effect

This man’s name is Jon, and so we exchanged Instagram and Facebook accounts. We discover that he is also a semi-professional photographer. He took that beautiful picture of us with the American flag at the top of the post to mark our last hours in America before departing for Europe. He also gave me some amazing tips on how to use my camera in manual mode (something I’ve always feared), which will be very useful in Italy and for which I am very thankful! I can’t wait to take gorgeous photos of my gorgeous model (Jenn) and breath-taking pictures of our favorite sights in Italy. 

While talking to the man sitting next to us for an hour may seem like a normal encounter for me and Jenn, I realized that not many people have the courage to talk to complete strangers like we do. And I thought that was sad. A shame if you will. So with this post, I’d like to encourage you shy people out there to smile at strangers, make small talk with people you don’t know, and be open to beginning a new friendship with someone you just met. You can learn so much about another person and even some stuff for yourself. We all plan to see each other again back in Raleigh, but even if we don’t, it was worth the first smile to have lunch with Jon and exchange our stories and passions with each other. 

[Fast forward a few hours] I’m currently sitting in JFK airport in New York City waiting for my flight that was supposed to depart at 10:20 pm but is now delayed. Only 40 minutes for now. Let’s pray it stays that way. 🙏🏽 And while I sat here (without wifi for my computer mind you) I decided to create this post because I want my message to get across to my readers, which is: do not be afraid to go outside of your comfort zone! The further you stretch it, the more it grows, and the more it grows, the more fun you will have. You can start small. I challenge you to start conversation with the person string beside you the next time you fly because you can make a new friend along the way, and that is totally worth it! 

“Groupie” with Jon at JFK

Ciao, Chapel Hill, I’m Off to Italy!


I have never been more excited in my life. While this year, for better or worse, has taken many twists and turns and ups and downs, I finally feel at peace and am so excited for the future that lies ahead in these next few months for me.

Not only does my dream of becoming of dental student at UNC School of Dentistry come to fruition in August, but I was also able to save enough money this year to hop on a plane and head overseas to the country I have wanted to visit the most since middle school: Italia! I will be leaving America for a full month to travel the lands and explore the sights of this beautiful and historical country. For the first ten days, I will be traveling with my sister/best friend, Jenn, and the last ten days will be spent with another dear friend, Jamie. The middle, I’m on my own…

I’m so blessed to be able to share this adventure with two of my friends, but I am also grateful to have time alone in a foreign country to help me grow stronger as a person. I’ve never gone on vacation by myself, let alone halfway across the world to a country whose official language is not my own. I’m not too worried though because I believe the tourist locations will be well versed in English and I have been brushing up on some Italian myself just in case.

I’m excited to explore big cities with ancient sights and quaint villages to learn their time-tested cheese aging or wine making methods. I look at this vacation as an opportunity to diversify my knowledge in culture, history, and of course, my favorite, food.


I can only imagine the different types of food that I will be able to try and taste, one definitely being gelato. Someone once told me that I need to have at least one serving of gelato every day while I’m there. I’m not sure that’s a challenge I can rightfully accept and hope to conquer, but I won’t be too shy when it comes to dieting over there. The Mediterranean diet is one of the most healthy in the entire world, and I can’t wait to see why. While Italy is also filled with pizza and pasta and bread, these goods are baked fresh, are way less processed, and contain way less preservatives than many of these same items that we find here in the U.S. Depending on the region, I hope to try their fish, pesto sauce, and even boar, which I was recently told was a must-try. Overall, I anticipate a wonderful culinary experience in addition to everything else I will be able to see and do.

Here is a list of the cities I will definitely be visiting in my time there. Trains and AirBNB’s booked and everything:

  • Flying into Milan
  • untitled

  • Living in Florence as my “home base”
  • untitled (2)

  • Siena for Il Palio my second day in the country
  • untitled (6)

  • Cinque Terre/La Spezia/Levanto for 3 days
  • untitled (3)

  • Rome/Vatican City for 3 days
  • untitled (4)

  • Venice for 1 day
  • untitled (5)

  • Back to Milan to fly home

All of the time spent between these trips will be in Florence: the birthplace of the Renaissance. I would also like to make a day trip into Pisa and other hilltop villages throughout Tuscany. Any suggestions? Please private message me or leave me comments below!

I am so excited to share the details of this trip with you as I go. Stay tuned for more, as I leave on Tuesday!

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Sabrina’s Must-Haves (not in any particular order)

Hey guys! In case you were wondering what I use on pretty much a daily basis, look no further than the list below. I’ve separated them into categories. Cooking is obviously first because that is what most of the audience wants to see.

I have also included my favorite foods that I consume at least every week if not every single day, my must-have workout equipment, and my every-day purse and toiletries. If you do have any questions about anything mentioned below, please send me a message as I’d be happy to answer anything about any of these products. I wouldn’t put them on here if I didn’t believe in them myself, and if you are interested in purchasing any of them, I’ve provided the Amazon links to most of the products. Enjoy!


    1. Kale
    2. Berries
    3. Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    4. Greek yogurt
    5. Peanut butter
    6. Eggs
    7. Avocados
    8. Apples
    9. Chicken breasts
    10. Vanilla protein powder
    11. Oats


    1. Asics running sneakers
    2. Victoria’s Secret sports bras
    3. Nike running shorts
    4. Hats for running outside in the sun
    5. Polarized Oakley sunglasses, which are also great for running outside
    6. Head tennis racket and matching backpack tennis bag
    7. Beats Solo Headphone-Teal
    8. Gym membership (O2 fitness)
    9. 5 lb and 3 lb dumbells
    10. Ab wheel
    11. Resistance band
    12. Muscle Roller Stick (similar results as a foam roller)
    13. Music and motivation! 



    All Lives Matter: Make Yours Great

    The recent shooting of three beloved students in Chapel Hill, NC, last week hit close to home. Not only did the one victim study at UNC dental school where I work, but his wife would have been in my dental school class next year. I am sure we would have been friends. She was beautiful. Inside and out. They all were. Here’s a toast to them up in Heaven smiling down on us.

    While this may sound weird, I just want to say thank you to them for inspiring me. Did I know either of them personally? No. But I did attend the intimate vigil held the next day at the dental school and bawled my eyes out after hearing countless stories about Deah Barakat’s innumerable acts of kindness and selflessness. His generosity and ever contagious happiness seemed to radiate through to each and every person he met. I want to do that for people. I want to inspire them. I want to make them smile. I want to make them want to be the best versions of themselves possible. 
    For this reason, I even contacted my ex-boyfriend whom I have regrettably been harboring negative feelings towards for the past few months. I had tried and tried to forgive him and convinced myself that I did, but when it all came down to it, I knew I hadn’t until last week. I know it takes time, but he’s still a great person and we let our beautiful friendship die. I reached out to him to tell him I was sorry and to ask for his blessing to rekindle our friendship. Shocking events can change your perspective on your life. I know he was not the best fit for me personally, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still share memories or even make new ones together. Life is too short to avoid those who once meant a great deal to you. Forgive. Be happy. Have no regrets. 
    I know all of that is super cliche, but it’s true. Be kind to those around you. Give compliments. Make someone’s day. Love and be vulnerable. Only the strongest people show others their deepest emotions. Take the time to be a friend– a good friend. Get to know others, especially seniors and young children. They will be the most honest people you ever meet, so learn from them. Make a big splash. Never be afraid to fail. Take risks. I struggle with that often, but sometimes the best memories of mine have come from experiences that I was almost too scared to try. Travel. Seriously though, travel and travel some more. I wish I had done more of that in my life thus far. But I did recently roadtrip across America from NC to CA with my best friend/sister and saw some of the most breathtaking sights ever. Take pictures to capture the moment, but don’t let the camera ruin the moment either. Remember to live IN the moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Every little thing is going to be okay. I promise you. 
    And if it doesn’t seem that way, always know that God has a plan and everything happens for a reason. While that may be hard to swallow considering the recent tragedy, I know that God was in need of some pretty awesome angels, and that’s why he chose who he did. This post is a tribute to our Three Winners. I will be forever grateful for all of the service you have given this world and to the fire you have ignited in me to always help others and make the world a better place. 
    I will leave you with one last quote from Deah recited by a friend at last week’s vigil: If you believe in something, you have to believe in it with your whole heart and being. 

    Dentistry: Changing the World One Smile at a Time

    Smiling—one of the simplest gestures that can nevertheless brighten one’s day. Last year, I encountered a smile that will inspire me for my entire life. For three hours every Thursday morning, I volunteered at the pediatric playroom at UNC Hospitals. Volunteering was the highlight of my week because I was privileged to meet and engage with children suffering from a variety of conditions, ranging from scrapes and burns to tumors and cancer. These children truly put life into perspective and allowed me to evaluate what is important in life: the ability to pass on my skills and knowledge to make a difference.
    One child in particular will forever remain deeply embedded into my memory. For safety and security reasons, I cannot disclose his name or describe his life-threatening condition, so I will refer to him as Stanley. Stanley is no ordinary child. He is one who has endured the wrath of a disease for two years now. Even at such a young age, he understands that his prognosis is one lacking optimism. Every day, he gazes into his parents’ eyes as they fill with tears. Through all of his hardships, he still has the perseverance and strength to look up at me and smile. In those moments, I recognized that this child’s beautiful smile could change the world, and knowing that I can create such smiles is one of the reasons why I aspire to become a dentist.
    Ironically, the commencement speaker for the Class of 2014, Atul Gawande, referenced the resiliency of pediatric cancer patients. After having compared the perceived happiness of children with cancer and those without, Gawande’s collegue found no significant difference. In fact, the cancer patients actually had a higher quality of life than healthy children. Although they are suffering from life-threatening illnesses, the cancer patients have a higher perceived quality of life because they feel supported and loved, especially in a hospital setting. That is one of the amazing phenomena about being a healthcare provider—a patient walks into your office and you instantaneously care for them in the most selfless way possible. To make them feel loved and supported while simultaneously curing their ailment is your ultimate aspiration; nothing else matters.
    Life-changing events happen everyday in healthcare. When I began exploring my options in healthcare, I eventually decided to shadow my dentist. After spending a day at his office, I realized the importance of oral health and how it affects systemic health. People often view dentistry as a cosmetic field and fail to understand its importance as a major contributor to their overall general well-being. Many overlook the fact that by maintaining proper oral hygiene, patients mitigate several general health risks. For that reason, I want to teach my patients as much as I can; I will educate as well as learn from them and treat them with the respect they all deserve.
    This year, I took a hiatus from formal education and started working at a patient clinic at the University of North Carolina School of Dentistry. Working not only increases my appreciation for learning in a classroom setting but also allows me to learn in a new way. I no longer absorb knowledge from books or lectures, rather I learn first-hand what it takes to practice dentistry. The skills I am acquiring by working at the clinic will be the most valuable of all because they will be the skills that allow me to communicate and sympathize with patients and provide them with the highest quality of care that I possibly can—not something that can be learned from a paragraph on a piece of paper. The real-life, clinical experience will prepare me, encourage me to grow professionally, and allow me to create smiles on my patients’ faces.
    As cliché as I may sound, I truly do seek to spread happiness and alleviate pain. To me, dentistry is about more than having the knowledge to do research or the dexterity to extract teeth; dentistry is a lifestyle that requires uncompromising excellence and an amiable personality to be able to establish relationships and provide patients with results that gift them the confidence to smile.

    I want to ensure that my patients have radiant smiles to flash at the world, so they too can brighten the days of others with a simple gesture. When people connect and exchange their contagious smiles, I want them to think that—just like Stanley’s—their beautiful smiles can also change the world.

    Peace. Love. Smile.

    New Year: New You; New Me

    Happy New Year, everyone!

    I know it’s been wayyyyy too long since I last posted anything on here. One of my New Year’s resolutions was to write more, so I think blogging is a great way to do that. However, I may actually be starting a new blog(s) co-founded by some of my friends. We have not created them yet, so be on the lookout in the future.

    So here’s a break down of what has happened in my life since I last spoke with you in July:

    1. I got into UNC School of Dentistry DDS Program!! I will be starting this upcoming August.
    2. I booked a solo trip to Florence, Italy for the entire month of July.
    3. I am driving across the country from NC to CA with one of my bestest friends, Jenn, in just one short week.
    4. I am still working at the dental school as an assistant for the time being.
    5. I went through a break-up.
    6. I consumed a lot of food and slacked on my workouts
    7. I later resumed those workouts that are even more vigorous and began to eat even healthier than I had in the past.
    8. I made a lot of new friends and rekindled relationships with old friends.
    9. I started reading more.
    10. I started enjoying my alone time to just relax.
    11. I became me again. 🙂

    The Breakup

    A lot of that ^^ had to do with the breakup. I found that I had lost myself. Punny right? But we do. In relationships, we often lose sight of who we are individually, and when that other person is out of your life, you’re like, “WHO/WHERE/WHAT AM I?!” And it’s definitely a traumatic experience, but you gotta start somewhere. I started with crying. Crying is scientifically proven to make you feel better– it actually releases toxins from your body. When you need a good cry, let those flood gates open cause that can open the door to happiness.

    After crying, I started to realize who my true friends are, and that definitely includes family and dogs (see pictures below). Throughout the past year, I had neglected my friends and family to spend time with my boyfriend. I judged my family and judged myself. I didn’t feel good about myself or those who I love. I knew I wasn’t being nice, yet that somehow made me feel happy (in the moment) and guilty afterwards. I had a lot of soul-searching to do these past few months, and it has made me an even stronger woman than I once thought I could be.

    “The more boys I meet, the more I love my dog”
    -Carrie Underwood

    I also turned to God. Now, some of you may not believe in the same God that I do. (I am Catholic). However, I always think people should have some sense of humility and know that there is someone/something bigger than us all. It humbles you, and nobody likes anybody with an ego. Having said that, I am friends with people from all sorts of religious/atheist backgrounds, and I love them all the same. But when it comes to relationships, I believe that both partners need to be on the same page to be truly compatible when it comes to a superior being. That way, both of their values are at least somewhat aligned, which is VERY important.

    Back to the Basics

    Anyway, enough about that. Let’s focus on the new and improved me. I started a New Year’s food cleanse with Jenn. Don’t worry, it’s not only juice! It incorporates real food– just that the food is all primal and natural and (supposed to be) organic). I’m on Day 2, and it’s rather difficult since you all know how big of a sweet tooth I have. Too bad. I indulged a little too much over the holidays, and my scale/pants show it. So we’re back to the basics.

    I’ll keep updating the blog with new photos of the cleanse and different workouts I do. Right now, I’m on a group fitness class binge. I love them. I recently joined O2 fitness clubs, and I LOVE LOVE LOVE their ballet barre class and body pump. I haven’t been able to try many of the other classes yet. Spin class is a super soaker, but my bum was sore for days. They say you get used to it after a few classes, so I gotta stick with it. And of course, yoga is a must. I found a new instructor that I absolutely adore. Can’t wait to go to class tomorrow morning!

    New Year’s Resolutions

    Last, but not least, I wanted to give you guys a list of my New Year’s resolutions, so you can help to hold me accountable:

    1. Be happier
    2. Accept myself exactly as who I am
    3. Be a better friend/family member
    4. Be healthier– workout harder; eat healthier
    5. Read more
    6. Write more (includes blogging and possibly a cookbook! EEK!!)
    7. Invest more
    8. Travel
    9. Take risks
    10. Complete a sprint triathlon
    11. Learn to play (and be good at it)
    12. Praise God every day

    Well, that’s all for now, folks! I hope to be adding some new stuff to the blog soon, and feel free to follow me on Instagram @sabrisaunders for some fitness/food/happy lifestyle inspiration!!

    Cheers to y’all to this glorious new year 🙂

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