Southern-Style Sweet Potatoes, Lentils, and Collard Greens


This meal has Southern written all over it. And it’s vegetarian! Although I love eating meat (red meat, poultry, and fish), sometimes I know it’s better for my health to go vegetarian and get my protein from sources that don’t breathe. That’s where the lentils come in. I’ve been a big fan of lentils since my roommate last year introduced me to them during her vegetarian phase.

Anyway, I combined the protein source (lentils) with a fresh green (collard greens) and a carb (sweet potatoes). This meal could be a bit healthier without the sweet potatoes, but they’re a necessity to tie together the sweet and savory tastes of this dish.


  1. 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and diced
  2. 1/2 c unsweetened vanilla almond milk
  3. 1/4 c brown sugar
  4. 1 c lentils
  5. 1 c collard greens, cut into strands
  6. 1/4 sweet red onion, chopped
  7. 3 prunes, chopped
  8. 1 t Parmesan cheese
  9. 1/2 t pepper and salt
  10. Olive oil for cooking


  1. Cook lentils in water on the stovetop (boil water, then let simmer for approximately 30 minutes)
  2. Add salt and pepper to lentils once cooked
  3. Peel and dice sweet potatoes
  4. Boil diced sweet potatoes until soft
  5. Place cooked sweet potatoes with milk and brown sugar in bowl for Kitchenaid mixer
  6. Mix on high until smooth
  7. De-stem collard greens
  8. Roll collard greens and slice to create long strands
  9. Slice onion
  10. Add olive oil to a sauté pan
  11. Add onions and collard greens and cook on medium-high for approximately 3 minutes or until collards are softened
  12. Cut prunes into small pieces
  13. Mix half of the prunes into the lentils
  14. Scoop lentils onto a plate
  15. Add greens and onions over the lentils
  16. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese over that
  17. Place sweet potatoes on plate
  18. Add prunes to the top of the mashed sweet potatoes
  19. Enjoy!


Mozzarella Peach Arugula Salad over Pesto Couscous

Mozzarella Peach Arugula Salad Over Pesto Couscous

Unfortunately, I can’t take complete credit for this dish. It is actually somewhat of a copycat recipe from a restaurant in Pittsboro, NC called the Fearrington Granary. After we finish every study at work, our department is treated to a nice meal out together. Since Jenn and I were new, we were able to pick where we wanted to go.

We both decided on the Granary because they use mostly local meat and freshly grown produce, and not to mention, they are located on a huge plot of land all owned by the same family with farms, shops, restaurants, and even a hotel, neighborhood and nursing home. This cute little village hosts Friday night bluegrass bands on the lawn and even simple wine tastings inside of their deli store.

I wish I could say I take more advantage of their beautiful gardens, walking trails, and restaurants, but I regret to say that I don’t. Maybe finally writing this blog post will encourage me to go there more often and write a review on the different restaurants there. Stay tuned for more copycat posts and restaurant reviews for those my readers who live in the Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill area.

Because this is very similar to what I ate that day for lunch at the Granary, I tried to also use my own produce that I grew in my garden, such as the basil leaves for the pesto. I truly love the taste of my own home-grown produce. I think it really does have a different taste, or that could just be my pride making it that way. Either way, this arugula pesto is a favorite of mine.

That reminds me, I am not sure if the Granary used arugula pesto or spinach-based pesto. I also do not know exactly how they make their pesto. This is my tried and true recipe though, so that’s why I used it. The only thing I change is the base, whether it be arugula, spinach, or kale, I decide based off of the dish I am preparing.

A few other differences include my substitutions for couscous instead of black quinoa like the Granary used. The reason for this was solely because I forgot to buy quinoa at the store that day, and I was actually in a rush to make this dinner. Now for the dressing. I used plain balsamic vinegar, whereas the Granary’s tasted like balsamic vinegar with something a little sweet in it. And lastly, if I remember correctly, the Granary used goat or feta cheese on top of the salad. The mozzarella is also a result of not having it in my kitchen, but hey, sometimes you just gotta work with what you have!

Mozzarella Peach Arugula Salad Over Pesto Couscous


  1. 1 1/3 c arugula (1 c for salad, 1/3 c for pesto)– the Granary uses black quinoa instead of couscous
  2. 1/3 c couscous
  3. 1 peach, sliced
  4. Fresh mozzarella cheese to top salad
  5. 2 T balsamic vinegar– the Granary had a different dressing for the salad, but I prefer just the vinegar for this one
  6. 6-8 fresh basil leave
  7. 1/4 c walnuts
  8. 1 clove garlic
  9. 1 T olive oil
  10. 1 T grated Parmesan cheese
  11. 1/2 T lemon juice
  12. 1/2 t pepper
  13. 1/2 t salt


  1. Cook couscous according to instructions on box
  2. Coarsely chop basil leaves
  3. Add 1/3 cup arugula, basil leaves, walnuts, garlic clove, Parmesan cheese, lemon juice, pepper and salt to blender
  4. Blend on high until it reaches a thick liquid consistency (pesto)
  5. Mix pesto with cooked couscous
  6. Spread pesto couscous on plate
  7. Layer 1 cup of arugula over the couscous on the plate
  8. Slice peach and add on top of the arugula
  9. Add mozzarella cheese to plate
  10. Drizzle balsamic vinegar over salad
  11. Enjoy!

Mozzarella Peach Arugula Salad Over Pesto CouscousMozzarella Peach Arugula Salad Over Pesto CouscousMozzarella Peach Arugula Salad Over Pesto Couscous

Three-Seed Whole Grain Bread

 I wish I didn’t, but I love bread. At restaurants, at bakeries, at home, it doesn’t matter. Bread is my weakness. That’s why I like to make my own. I know the ingredients I put into it, I know the nutritional breakdown, and I know that’s it’s not processed.

Nowadays I actually prefer whole grain and whole wheat bread to white bread. I just think it has more taste and sustinence than regular white loaves.

I had never made a bread with grains and seeds before, but I always seem to go for those when I have the choice. So I thought I’d try my hand at making my own. This recipe is super easy since I have a bread machine, but I’m sure it could be made just the same with some arm grease!


  1. 1 c seed and grain mixture (I used quinoa, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, and oats)
  2. 1 1/2 c water
  3. 3 c 100% whole wheat, whole grain flour
  4. 3 T honey (or agave nectar or pure maple syrup)
  5. 2 T melted butter
  6. 1 T melted coconut oil
  7. 2 t salt
  8. 1 t freshly ground black pepper
  9. 1 packet active dry yeast


  1. Measure 1 c of mixed grains in preferred proportions into a 1-cup measuring cup
  2. Fill that measuring cup up to the top with water (approximately 1 c)
  3. Add this mixture to the bottom of the bread machine
  4. Melt butter and coconut oil
  5. Add liquid ingredients to the bread machine (butter, coconut oil, honey, and 1/2 c water)
  6. Add flour, pepper, and salt to the bread machine, covering the wet ingredients
  7. Make a small well in the dry ingredients (not exposing the wet)
  8. Add yeast packet to the well in the flour
  9. Select the wheat cycle with light or medium crust and turn on
  10. Occasionally check to see that all of the seeds and grains are being incorporated into the dough during the kneading process. You may need to use a rubber spatula to get them out of the corner of the pan and push them into the dough



These Are a Few of My Favorite Things

Sabrina’s Must-Haves (not in any particular order)

Hey guys! In case you were wondering what I use on pretty much a daily basis, look no further than the list below. I’ve separated them into categories. Cooking is obviously first because that is what most of the audience wants to see.

I have also included my favorite foods that I consume at least every week if not every single day, my must-have workout equipment, and my every-day purse and toiletries. If you do have any questions about anything mentioned below, please send me a message as I’d be happy to answer anything about any of these products. I wouldn’t put them on here if I didn’t believe in them myself, and if you are interested in purchasing any of them, I’ve provided the Amazon links to most of the products. Enjoy!


    1. Kale
    2. Berries
    3. Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    4. Greek yogurt
    5. Peanut butter
    6. Eggs
    7. Avocados
    8. Apples
    9. Chicken breasts
    10. Vanilla protein powder
    11. Oats


    1. Asics running sneakers
    2. Victoria’s Secret sports bras
    3. Nike running shorts
    4. Hats for running outside in the sun
    5. Polarized Oakley sunglasses, which are also great for running outside
    6. Head tennis racket and matching backpack tennis bag
    7. Beats Solo Headphone-Teal
    8. Gym membership (O2 fitness)
    9. 5 lb and 3 lb dumbells
    10. Ab wheel
    11. Resistance band
    12. Muscle Roller Stick (similar results as a foam roller)
    13. Music and motivation! 



    Breakfast Quinoa Bake

    Cinnamon Apple Quinoa Bake Topped off with Banana and Maple Syrup

    This is a great make-ahead or impromptu breakfast whose recipe can be doubled or tripled to make breakfast a true family feast. Since I do not live with my family, I made a two-serving portion of this. This is a recipe that will not fail by being multiplied or divided, so don’t fret about that.

    What I love about this breakfast is that you’re getting protein from quinoa and eggs to keep you full throughout the morning, nutrients from the fruit that are vital to our health, and the sweetness from the true maple syrup that makes children beg for more. You could even serve it as a healthy dessert!

    Ingredients: Makes two servings

    1. 1 1/2 c uncooked quinoa
    2. 2 apples, diced
    3. 2 eggs, beat
    4. 1 c unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    5. 1 banana, sliced
    6. 1/4 c maple syrup
    7. 1/3 c sliced almonds or crushed pecans
    8. 2 t cinnamon


      1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F
      2. Grease 9×9 baking dish or opt to use a dutch oven
      3. Peel and dice apple
      4. Combine quinoa, spices, beat eggs, and milk in baking dish
      5. Mix in diced apple pieces evenly
      6. Spread nuts on top evenly
      7. Drizzle half of the maple syrup over mixture, saving the other half for later
      8. Bake for approximately one hour or until the bake starts to form 
      9. Remove from oven and let cool for 10 minutes
      10. Cut slices and place in bowl or plate
      11. Slice banana into even coin-shaped pieces
      12. Add banana slices to top
      13. Drizzle rest of maple syrup over the quinoa bake
      14. Enoy!

        Massaged Kale Salad

        This is a super easy and really short recipe. I made it with my roommate as a side for our “Galentine’s Day” dinner with stuffed butternut squash and chocolate covered strawberries for dessert. There’s no excuse not to eat your veggies when they taste this good!


        1. 2 c kale, raw
        2. 1 1/2 T chopped walnuts
        3. 2 T raspberry vinaigrette dressing
        4. 1/2 T olive oil
        5. 2 t plain goat cheese


        1. De-vine raw kale
        2. Massage raw kale with olive oil until distributed evenly
        3. Place kale in bowl
        4. Add walnuts and goat cheese
        5. Toss salad to mix ingredients
        6. Drizzle raspberry vinaigrette dressing on top

        Vegetable Sushi

        I love this refreshing party dish. It’s perfect for summer picnics or potlucks or really just as a snack for your own family.  I had always wanted to try making real sushi (which I did a week later and was delish!!), but I didn’t have the ingredients at the time. I wanted to make something creative, ergo vegetable “sushi” was made.

        I had seen similar ideas on Pinterest, but as always, I tweaked and twisted a combination of recipes until I settled on this one that was healthier and tastier than those I saw. While this may look a little intimidating to make, it’s really not. Take a chance. I promise you it’s worth it.

        Hope you too enjoy it!


        1. 1 zucchini
        2. 3 sweet peppers, sliced
        3. 1 celery stalk, sliced into small sticks
        4. 1/4 bunch cilantro
        5. 1/4 c crushed dry-roasted almonds


        1. Use a mandolin to slice zucchini strips evenly and lengthwise
        2. Cut vegetables into tiny strips
        3. Crush or slice almonds on a cutting board
        4. Lay zucchini strips flat on cutting board
        5. Scoop spoonful of cottage cheese onto zucchini and spread evenly on 1/3 of zucchini
        6. Sprinkle crushed almonds on spread cottage cheese
        7. Add one carrot strip, one celery strip, two pepper strips, and a little cutting of cilantro to the end of the zucchini with the cheese and almonds
        8. Roll zucchini up from the filled end
        9. Secure with a toothpick
        10. Add to plate for display
        11. -Enjoy!

        All Lives Matter: Make Yours Great

        The recent shooting of three beloved students in Chapel Hill, NC, last week hit close to home. Not only did the one victim study at UNC dental school where I work, but his wife would have been in my dental school class next year. I am sure we would have been friends. She was beautiful. Inside and out. They all were. Here’s a toast to them up in Heaven smiling down on us.

        While this may sound weird, I just want to say thank you to them for inspiring me. Did I know either of them personally? No. But I did attend the intimate vigil held the next day at the dental school and bawled my eyes out after hearing countless stories about Deah Barakat’s innumerable acts of kindness and selflessness. His generosity and ever contagious happiness seemed to radiate through to each and every person he met. I want to do that for people. I want to inspire them. I want to make them smile. I want to make them want to be the best versions of themselves possible. 
        For this reason, I even contacted my ex-boyfriend whom I have regrettably been harboring negative feelings towards for the past few months. I had tried and tried to forgive him and convinced myself that I did, but when it all came down to it, I knew I hadn’t until last week. I know it takes time, but he’s still a great person and we let our beautiful friendship die. I reached out to him to tell him I was sorry and to ask for his blessing to rekindle our friendship. Shocking events can change your perspective on your life. I know he was not the best fit for me personally, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still share memories or even make new ones together. Life is too short to avoid those who once meant a great deal to you. Forgive. Be happy. Have no regrets. 
        I know all of that is super cliche, but it’s true. Be kind to those around you. Give compliments. Make someone’s day. Love and be vulnerable. Only the strongest people show others their deepest emotions. Take the time to be a friend– a good friend. Get to know others, especially seniors and young children. They will be the most honest people you ever meet, so learn from them. Make a big splash. Never be afraid to fail. Take risks. I struggle with that often, but sometimes the best memories of mine have come from experiences that I was almost too scared to try. Travel. Seriously though, travel and travel some more. I wish I had done more of that in my life thus far. But I did recently roadtrip across America from NC to CA with my best friend/sister and saw some of the most breathtaking sights ever. Take pictures to capture the moment, but don’t let the camera ruin the moment either. Remember to live IN the moment. Don’t worry about tomorrow. Every little thing is going to be okay. I promise you. 
        And if it doesn’t seem that way, always know that God has a plan and everything happens for a reason. While that may be hard to swallow considering the recent tragedy, I know that God was in need of some pretty awesome angels, and that’s why he chose who he did. This post is a tribute to our Three Winners. I will be forever grateful for all of the service you have given this world and to the fire you have ignited in me to always help others and make the world a better place. 
        I will leave you with one last quote from Deah recited by a friend at last week’s vigil: If you believe in something, you have to believe in it with your whole heart and being. 

        Butternut Squash and Swiss Cheese Panade

        Butternut Squash and Swiss Cheese Panade

        I had made a meal similar to this with my friend, Madison (who also has her own food blog), and it was absolutely delicious. I lost that recipe, so I tried to recreate it on my own and it was just as delicious as the first time! I know the cooking time is long, but the prep is really not that difficult. The hardest part is cutting the butternut squash, but I always nuke it in the microwave for about 30 seconds before trying to cut it. It softens it making it much easier to cut.
        Also, please make sure you have a sharp knife. Dull knives are the largest cause of cuts in the kitchen (made up fact by yours truly, but probably not far off from the truth). This is not a sales pitch at all, but I am infatuated with my Wusthof Classic knife set. The larger chef’s knife is just perfect for cutting winter vegetables!
        I discovered them at a Williams-Sonoma knife skills class, where I was able to try out a bunch of different brands and styles of knives. You must find the one that fits YOU the best. We are all different. However, I do recommend against the Wusthof Gourmet line. It is not made very well, and to be honest, I am surprised Wusthof even makes this line of knives. They are cheaper, but only because they are not quality-made. Anyway, my Williams-Sonoma store has FREE classes almost every Sunday, so go check them out if you are interested in learning how to cook better or just want to go taste some new recipes!

        Ingredients: Makes two servings

        1. 1 butternut squash, peeled and diced
        2. 1 red onion, chopped
        3. 1-2 whole wheat bagels or any type of heavy bread
        4. 1/2 cup chicken broth
        5. 1 cup shredded Swiss cheese
        6. 1 T olive oil
        7. 1 T garlic pepper


        1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
        2. Bake diced butternut squash in oven for 30 minutes (will still be a bit hard)
        3. Add butternut squash, bread, onions, olive oil, and garlic pepper to baking dish
        4. Toss ingredients until lightly coated with oil and garlic pepper
        5. Pour chicken broth evenly over ingredients
        6. Bake for 15 minutes
        7. Add cheese on top
        8. Bake for another 15-20 minutes until butternut squash is soft
        9. Enjoy!

        Paleo Pancakes Stuffed with Berry Compote and Greek Yogurt

        Paleo Pancakes Stuffed with Berry Compote and Greek Yogurt

        LOVE LOVE LOVE these paleo (might I add healthy) pancakes! No flour. No added sugar. Just banana, egg, and protein powder to keep you fuller longer. The berry compote is just frozen berries mixed in a skillet. So easy! And so yummy! Use this recipe to surprise your hubby with breakfast in bed, and you’ll be praised all day!

        Ingredients: Makes one serving

        1. 1 whole peeled banana
        2. 1 egg
        3. 1/2 scoop protein powder (optional)
        4. 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
        5. 1/3 cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt 
        6. 1 t cinnamon
        7. 1 t vanilla extract
        8. Olive oil for cooking pan


        1. Add banana, egg, protein powder, cinnamon, and vanilla extract to a stand mixer and turn on medium speed until all of the lumps from the banana are mashed
        2. Add olive oil to skillet
        3. Pour batter into pan
        4. Cook until one side looks brown, then flip
        5. In another pan, heat the frozen berries with a little water as needed until mushy
        6. Lay cooked pancake on plate
        7. Scoop yogurt onto pancake, add berries, and fold in half
        8. Sprinkle more cinnamon on top if desired
        9. Enjoy!